Fundraising for the Persecuted and Those at Risk of Persecution

Арганізацыя"Хрысціянская візія"
Міжканфесійнае аб’яднанне беларускіх хрысціян, створанае на хвалі мірных пратэстаў 2020 г.
Інфармацыя пра «Хрысціянскую візію» Аб'ява аб заснаванні групы Місія групы Іншыя артыкулы

The Christian Vision announces a Solidarity Fund for supporting the Christians who have been persecuted or are at risk of persecution during the Belarusian political crisis and the war in Ukraine.
The interdenominational Supervisory Board for the distribution of funds consists of:
Very Rev. VLADIMIR DROBYSHEVSKY, an Orthodox priest; spent 25 days under arrest in 2020, currently – a refugee in France;

Rev. VIACHASLAU BAROK, a Roman Catholic priest; spent 10 days under arrest in 2020, currently – a refugee in Poland;

ZMICIER CHVIEDARUK, an Evangelical Christian and Reformed theologian; spent 15 days under arrest in 2021, currently – a refugee in Poland.

The Solidarity Fund will conduct ongoing collection and targeted fundraising campaigns, and facilitate the following types of assistance to Christians who have been persecuted or are at risk of persecution:
– assistance with evacuation or travel to safe countries (expenses associated with visa support, flights and relocation to a safe country);
– help with initial emigration arrangements (living expenses, e.g. temporary housing, subsistence, personal hygiene and medical expenses, insurance);
– legal assistance (lawyer fees, consultations, writing complaints);
– assistance to political prisoners and their families (collection of parcels, assistance after release from detention, one-time or regular family support);
– assistance to Christian refugees in difficult life and everyday situations;
– assistance to Belarusian parishes and communities in exile;
– assistance in finding employment and resolving Church-specific matters (finding scholarships, places of ministry, resolving canonical difficulties).
Assistance will be provided on a case-by-case basis upon request. The amount of assistance will be decided by the Christian Vision group and the Supervisory Board contingent on the available resources. Where needed, targeted fundraising campaigns will be announced.
Help requests should be made via bot: @christianvisionBot
- by PayPal
- by a bank transfer using the following details:
Beneficiary: Christian Vision for Belarus
IBAN: LT543500010015775044
Bank name: Paysera LT, UAB
Bank address: Pilaitės pr. 16, Vilnius, LT-04352, Lithuania
Purpose of payment: Charity