Project “Martyrology of Belarus” at Rome, June 18-21, 2024

Арганізацыя"Хрысціянская візія"
Міжканфесійнае аб’яднанне беларускіх хрысціян, створанае на хвалі мірных пратэстаў 2020 г.
Інфармацыя пра «Хрысціянскую візію» Аб'ява аб заснаванні групы Місія групы Іншыя артыкулы
The exhibition of portraits of Belarusian political prisoners painted by member of the Christian Vision for Belarus Xisha Agneloga will be exhibited in Rome in June 2024.

Complesso di Vicolo Valdina
sala della Sacrestia
Via di Campo Marzio 42, Roma
Opening hours of the exhibition:
The exhibition will be open from 18-20 June from 11:00-19:00 and 21 June from 11:00-17:00.
During the opening, a performance will be presented entitled “Belarusian political prisoners”. The performance was prepared by member of the Christian Vision PhD Natallia Harkovich.
Among the organisators: Christian Vision for Belarus
Association of Belarusians in Italy “Talaka” in collaboration with the People’s Embassy of Belarus in Italy and non-profit organization “Iscos Toscana”
Xisha Angelova has painted about 700 portraits of Belarusian political prisoners since November 2020 (our interview with the artist). The collection is being fulfilled on a daily basis, but Belarusian prisons are filling up more quickly than anticipated. Christian Vision started online catalogue of the potraits.
The project has visited the European Parliament in Strasbourg, the Austrian Parliament in Vienna, Vilnius, Warsaw, Munich, Brno, Olsztyn and other locations across Europe. It provides a personalised insight into the significant numbers of Belarusian people imprisoned and killed by the Lukashenko regime.
Since 2020, more than 5,000 individuals in Belarus have been subjected to unjust imprisonment, with over 1,548 currently imprisoned or facing restrictions on their liberty.
Christian Vision for Belarus has the Solidarity Fund will conduct ongoing collection and targeted fundraising campaigns, and facilitate the following types of assistance to Christians who have been persecuted or are at risk of persecution, see details.