Prayer for Belarus: video + text

Voices from all over the world unite in prayer for Belarus.
Father of all people, Mighty God and Creator! You have not forsaken the world but, out of love, you sent your only Son to open the path to your Kingdom and to release us from the power of sin, evil, hell and death.
You send your Holy Spirit to sanctify the world, so that our hearts may turn to you, our eyes may see the truth, our ears may hear the voice of conscience, our mouths may proclaim the Gospel, our hands may yield goodness, and our feet may walk by the way of justice.
You created your Church to continue the work of your Kingdom – the work of peace and justice, of caring love that heals wounds, of unshakable hope that strengthens the spirit.
Your Gospel, oh Lord, is the Gospel of peace, which is inseparable from justice, truth, freedom and love. For peace to prevail, we must partake in your works – strengthen us for this mission by your grace.
Your breath, oh Lord, is the breath of freedom. You stand on the side of the prosecuted, not the prosecutors. Save us from violence and oppression, and spare us from using freedom for evil and subjugation of the others.
Lord, you love those who does justice. Give us conscience and reason to discern good from evil, truth from falsity, and strengthen us in our determination to stand up for justice.
We pray for all who suffer violence, imprisonment, denigration, persecution and torture. Lord, heal and strengthen them, enable them to overcome fear, guide them and give them assistance.
We pray also for those, who do evil and injustice. Lord, heal their hearts from brutality and insensibility and bring them to repentance.
Lord, we pray to you for Belarusian Churches: let them be aware of their mission and – in unity, solidarity and selflessness – seek your truth, do your will and be envoys of your Kingdom – of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit now and forever and to the ages of ages. Amen.