Statement of the Christian Vision Working Group of the Coordination Council Regarding Military Aggression Against Fraternal Ukraine and Alexander Lukashenko’s Regime Involvement

Organisation"Christian Vision"
Belarusian inter-Christian association, created during peaceful protests of 2020.
Information about the «Christian Vision». Founding statement of the «Christian Vision» Working Group. The mission of the «Christian Vision».
24 February 2022
This morning, the regime of Putin initiated military aggression against Ukraine. The territory of the Republic of Belarus is used as one of the springboards for this aggression.
We, priests, theologians and active laity of the Orthodox, Roman-and Greek Catholic, Anglican and Evangelical Churches, strongly condemn the aggression of the Putin regime against Ukraine. In the name of Jesus Christ, we call to stop the attack and cease the military aggression!
We are outraged by the unconstitutional actions of the Lukashenko regime providing the territory of the Republic of Belarus for the foreign army to carry out aggression against another country. Therefore, we demand the immediate withdrawal of Russian troops from Belarus and the implementation of all measures possible to prevent the participation of Belarusian military personnel in this aggression. In the name of Jesus Christ, we bless every Belarusian and Russian soldier refusing to participate in military attack.
Christ said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” Therefore, by giving access to the territory of our country to the army of the state that unleashed military aggression against the fraternal people of Ukraine, Alexander Lukashenko violated not only the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus but also the commandment of Christ.
The usurper did not simply unleash terror against the people of Belarus; he also made them accomplices in Cain’s sin of fratricide. The blow to the heart of the brotherly people struck from the Belarusian territory desecrated our land. The spilt blood will “cry out from the ground” (Gen.4:10).
We express our solidarity with the people of Ukraine, who had to resort to armed means for defence against the foreign invasion. We pray together with the Christians of Ukraine for the speedy restoration of peace. Finally, we pray for all the innocent people who died.
The life and dignity of every one of them is a priceless gift from God. Trampling this gift is a sin before God, the Creator and Father of all people. We call for the protection of all cities and villages that are under attack.
We appeal to the church leaders of Russia and Belarus to raise their authoritative voice in defence of peace, condemn the aggression, call on the current authorities of Russia and Belarus to stop all hostilities, and, by all possible means, to compensate for the damage already done.
We call on the international Christian community for prayer and solidarity with Ukraine and support peacemaking efforts to stop military aggression.
We appeal to the Almighty God, the Creator of peoples’ history and the arbiter of human destinies. Lord, grant us the peace of Your Kingdom where not a single sword is drawn. Bless us to follow Your teachings of truth, justice and love. May Your Holy Spirit heal the hearts wounded by hatred, enlighten the mind darkened by malice, and awaken the conscience that has lost the ability to distinguish good from evil.
We plead for peace!