Царква і палітычны крызіс у Беларусі


U. S. Embassy in Minsk supports the New Life Church

U. S. Embassy in Minsk supports the New Life Church

Chargé d’Affaires Jeffrey Giauque met today with the Full Gospel New Life Church after authorities evicted the community from its place of worship and barred it from returning to the building. He shared the United States’ concern over the eviction and the authorities’ demands that the community pay tax arrears – which religious groups are […]

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Evangelical believer Sergiy Melianets is going to appeal to the Supreme Court and calls for God’s Court and Judgment as well.

Evangelical believer Sergiy Melianets is going to appeal to the Supreme Court and calls for God’s Court and Judgment as well.

The Minsk regional court refused to satisfy the complaint of the evangelical believer Sergiy Melyanets on the Minsk district court’s decision. Judge Irina Maiko agreed with her colleague Viktor Shevtsov, district court judge, who equated the White/Red/White blinds on the windows of Melyanets’ bedroom with an individual piquet and imposed a fine of 30 base […]

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The Navalny Protests and Orthodoxy’s A-Political Theology

The Navalny Protests and Orthodoxy’s A-Political Theology

At the end of January, what were perhaps the largest protest rallies in the last ten years took place across Russia. The protests were sparked by the arrest of opposition politician Alexei Navalny, who had returned to his homeland after medical treatment in Germany. Back in August 2020, Russian special services had tried to poison […]

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У міжнародны дзень салідарнасьці з Беларусьсю сьпевакі госпел выканалі гімн “Магутны Божа” ў ангельскім перакладзе (BLR / ENG)

У міжнародны дзень салідарнасьці з Беларусьсю сьпевакі госпел выканалі гімн “Магутны Божа” ў ангельскім перакладзе (BLR / ENG)

#standwithbelarus​ Напачатку лютага сьпевакі госпел з 24 краін (Аргентына, Аўстрыя, Беларусь, Бельгія, Балгарыя, Канада, Чэхія, Данія, Фінляндыя, Францыя, Нямеччына, Ірландыя, Італія, Японія, Кенія, Нідэрланды, Нарвегія, Расія, Сербія, Іспанія, Швецыя, Туніс, ЗША, Велікабрытанія) сустрэліся анлайн, каб вывучыць песьню па-беларуску. У выніку атрымалася госпел-версія гімна “Магутны Божа”, знак падтрымкі для беларусаў ад сяброў па ўсім сьвеце. *** […]

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George Weigel. The Holy See and Thug Regimes

George Weigel. The Holy See and Thug Regimes

The list of grave issues that must be addressed during a future papal interregnum, and by the cardinal-electors in a conclave, continues to grow. The finances of the Holy See are arguably in worse shape than at any time since the papal interregnum of 1922; then, money had to be borrowed to pay for the […]

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At Mass, Minsk archbishop hands over archdiocese to administrator

At Mass, Minsk archbishop hands over archdiocese to administrator

Belarus’s Catholic archbishop pledged to remain active in national life after handing over administration of the Archdiocese of Minsk-Mohilev to a temporary successor. In a Mass at the Minsk cathedral Jan. 24, Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz handed over the archdiocese to Bishop Kazimierz Wielikosielc, an auxiliary bishop of Pinsk who will serve as apostolic administrator of […]

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Churches and protest in Belarus: activism or liberation theology?

Churches and protest in Belarus: activism or liberation theology?

Регина Эльснер

The churches in Belarus were rarely visible at political protests in the past – but this changed abruptly in 2020. Both before and after the presidential election in August, a number of church representatives adopted a critical stance on the country’s politics – a remarkable development in several respects. Belarus is less religious than other […]

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David Deane “A Dictator friendly Pope? Lukashenko and Pope Francis”

David Deane “A Dictator friendly Pope? Lukashenko and Pope Francis”

One of Pope Francis’ most popular metaphors for the Church portrays it as a field hospital, caring for the wounded. Every time he proposes it people, both inside and outside the church, swoon. It seems so caring, so pastoral, and such a welcome change from the doctrinaire Catholicism of his predecessors. Closer attention to the […]

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