Аўтар: Christian Vision

Input for 2024 report of the Special Rapporteur on Belarus to the Human Rights Council: Freedom of Religion or Belief in Relation to Freedom of Association
10 February 2024 In the following input for 2024 report of the Special Rapporteur on Belarus to the Human Rights Council, which is focused on freedom of association, Christian Vision is going to focus on restriction of the collective, communal, corporate dimension of freedom of religion or belief, which is strongly undermined by the new […]

The Christian Vision’s Statement Demanding Immediate Release of Political Prisoner Pavel Kuchynski for Receiving Vital Medical Care
8 December 2023 A Roman Catholic believer from Maladziečna, Pavel Kuchynski, was arrested and detained on 26 January 2022 for publishing critical comments online. On 7 June 2022, the Vilejka District court sentenced him to five years in a penal colony. He was charged under the following articles of the Criminal Code: 369 (Insulting a […]

Defamation of believers by the authorities and propagandisits
Believers and religious organizations are systematically subjected to insults and persecution for their Christian and civic position by government officials, the pro-government media and activists. Hate speech is widely used. The persons detained by security forces may be insulted, humiliated and mocked for their faith or religious affiliation in the so-called “repentance videos” recorded agains […]

Violation of freedom of religion of the prisoners in custody, the detained and arrested persons
As of 10 January 2025, there were 1,364 persons imprisoned for political reasons in Belarus whose names became known to human rights activists. Many of them are practising believers. They experience severe restrictions on their freedom to practice religion and beliefs. Infringements also apply to the detained persons, those who serve administrative arrest, being held […]

Persecuted Belarusian clergy
The list is maintained by the Belarusian Christian ecumenical group, Christian Vision. Constantly updated. As of 7 March 2025: 87 persons. The list is organized by religious affiliation and in alphabetical order. To contribute to the list, use a Telegram bot @christianvisionBot or email, christian.vision.by@gmail.com. Belarusian Orthodox Church 1. Priest Uladzislau Bahamolnikau, Minsk, Minsk eparchy […]

Persecution of the religious communities in Belarus through accusations of extremism
Following the2020 events, the Belarusian regime started to purge media space, identifying independent media, websites, telegram channels, social networks, as well as symbols associated with peaceful protest, as “extremist materials.” This led to administrative prosecution under Article 19.11 of the Code of Administrative Offences, including individuals who share information from such information sources, or information […]

Манипуляции коммюнике БПЦ о встрече с архиепископом Клаудио Гуджеротти
6 июля на официальном сайте Беларусской православной церкви было опубликовано Коммюнике Синодального информационного отдела БПЦ относительно встречи 30 июня митрополита Минского и Заславского Вениамина со спецпосланником Папы Римского архиепископом Клаудио Гуджеротти и апостольским нунцием архиепископом Анте Йозичем. На ней особое внимание было уделено принятому 30 марта 2023 года решению Папы Римского об учреждении Апостольской администратуры для […]

В Минске разрушили крест в память об убитом нацистами священнике
Члены Компартии Беларуси разрушили крест возле минского костела святого Роха, установленный в память о ксендзе Винценте Годлевском. В годы войны Годлевский был настоятелем Красного костела и единственным во всем городе белорусским католическим священником. Используя свое положение, он стал одним из организатором Белорусского антинацистского движения и создал по всей стране целую сеть белорусскоязычных школ. Он был […]

The Christian Vision Group’s Statement Regarding the Imprisonment of Daria Losik, Wife of Political Prisoner Ihar Losik
21 January 2023 On 19 January 2023, the Brest regional court sentenced political prisoner Daria Losik to two years in a penal colony. In December 2021, her husband Ihar Losik was also sentenced to 15 years of imprisonment in a high-security penal colony. Consequently, their young daughter Paulina has been left without parental care. Daria […]